

Octane Number and Cetane Number | Definition, Examples, Diagrams

 Octane Number:-

  • Is is measure of the ability of a gasoline or petrol fuel to resist knocking when ignited in a mixture with air in the cylinder of an internal combustion(IC) engine.
  • Octane number denotes the percentage (by volume) of iso-octane (a type of octane) in a combustible mixture (containing iso-octane and normal-heptane)
  • The higher the octane number, the more compression the fuel can withstand before detonating (ignition).
  • Higher the octane number where achieved by adding lead telraethyl to the fuel (the leaded gas) a pollutant that contribute to lead poisoning (see led)
  • In India, the minimum octane rating for fuels as prescribed by Government through Bharat 3 emission is 91 Octane.
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Cetane Number:-

Octane number and Cetane number

  • Cetane number of diesel fuel is indicative of its ignition characteristics.
  • Higher the cetane number better it is in its ignition properties (less knocking).
  • Cetane number denotes the percentage (by volume) of cetane in a combustible mixture.
  • Normal modern highways diesels run best with a fuel rated between cetane number 45 and 55.

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