

Difference between two stroke and four stroke engine.

 Hello friends today we will study about the difference between the two stroke and four stroke engine in this blog.

Four Stroke Engine

A four stroke cycle engine is an internal combustion(IC) engine that utilize four distinat piston stroke:-
  • Intake
  • Compression
  • Power
  • Exhaust
To complete one operation.


  • There is two valve in this type of engine.
  • Gas movement take place throughout valve called intake and exhaust valve.

Working of four stroke IC engine

  • Suction:- During suction stroke air and fuel mixture is get sucked from carburetor and during this stroke inlet valve is open.Piston travel TDC to BDC.
  • Compression:- After suction stroke inlet valve remain closed and air and fuel mixture get compressed. Piston travel from BDC to TDC.
  • Power:- After compression stroke maximum power induced in engine and that power power are utilities to rotate crankshaft of engine.Again piston travels from TDC to BDC with maximum pressure or power.
  • Exhaust:- During this stroke outlet valve is opened and all burnt gases are escaped out from engine cylinder. Piston travels BDC to TDC.

Main Parts of IC Engine:-

  1. Piston.
  2. Crank.
  3. Inlet valve.
  4. Outlet valve.
  5. Connecting rod.
  6. Crank case.
  7. Exhaust manifold.
  8. Cylinder.

Two Stroke IC Engine

Two Stroke IC Engine

In two stroke cycle engines, the whole sequence of events
  • Suction
  • Compression
  • Power
  • Exhaust
are completed in two strokes of the piston (one revolution of crankshaft)


  • There is no valve in this type of engine.
  • Gas movement take place through holes called ports in the cylinder.

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