

MCQ's of Strength of Material (SOM) | Useful for SSC-JE and Other Services

It is useful for many exams of Engineering sector like SSC-JE, PSU's and Other Engineering Services 

Q1.The unit of stress in S.I. units is-
(A) N/mm2 
(B) kN/m2
(C) N/m2
(D) Any one of these ✔️

Q2. The deformation per unit length is        called-
(A) Tensile stress.
(B) Compressive Stress
(C) Shear Stress
(D) Strain✔️

Q3. The unit of strain is-
(A) N-mm
(B) N/mm
(C) mm
(D) No Unit ✔️

Q4. Strain is equal to-
(A) l/𝛅l
(B) 𝛅l/l ✔️
(C) l.𝛅l
(D) l+𝛅l

Q5. Hook's law holds good up to-
(A) Yield Point
(B) Elastic Point ✔️
(C) Plastic limit
(D) Breaking Point

Q6. The unit of modulus of elasticity is same as those of-
(A) Stress, Strain and Pressure
(B) Stress, Force and Modulus of Rigidity✔️
(C) Strain, Force, and Pressure.
(D) Stress, Force and Modulus of Rigidity

Q7. When change in length takes place, the strain is known as-
(A) Linear Strain✔️
(B) Lateral Strain
(C) Volumetric Strain.
(D) Shear Strain

Q8. Young's modules may be defined as the ratio of-
(A) Linear stress to lateral strain
(B) Lateral Strain to linear strain
(C) Linear Stress to Linear Strain ✔️
(D)Shear Stress to Shear Strain.

Q9. The unit of Young's modules is same as that of stress-
(A) True ✔️
(B) False

Q.10. The thermal of temperature stress is a function of-
(A) Increase in temperature
(B) Modulus of elasticity
(C) Coefficient of linear expansion
(D) All of these ✔️

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